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Wienesse Rindsulasch

Servings: 4-5

A Wiennese Favorite

On a trip to Vienna, and Munich, I had this delicious Rindsulasch, (Goulash), that I had to make once at home. I bought the cookbook in the Imperial Hofburg Palace, where I got this recipe. And then had similar Goulash at the Munich Airport, Germany Restaurant, and that was delicious as well. Its easy, simple, quick, and quite satisfying. Usually its served with Spaetzle. I added some crusty bread and made the whipped potatoes which goes together perfectly, mmmm it's so good. Hope you enjoy this video and make this dish yourself. Had this delicious goulash dinner at the Wiennerwald Restaurant in Vienna




  • 1 lb. shank or shoulder of beef (or chuck steak)

  • Large onion sliced thin

  • 3 tbsp. oil

  • 1 heaping tbsp. tomato paste

  • 3 cloves garlic minced

  • 2 tbsp. Paprika, sweet or Hungarian

  • 1/2 tbsp. Cumin and Marjoram

  • Salt and Pepper according to taste

  • Vinegar

Whipped Potatoes

  • White, Red, or Yukon potatoes

  • Milk

  • European unsalted butter

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Masher and Electric Mixer



  1. Cut onion in long strips.

  2. Slice beef into strips or small pieces.

  3. Heat oil in pan and add onions and fry until golden.

  4. Add the ground paprika stir but not too long and then pour over some water with a dash of vinegar so the ingredients don't burn.

  5. Add the concentrated tomato paste, chop the goulash spices finely, then add together with some salt.

  6. Place the meat in the pan, cover and allow to cook.

  7. Stir frequently and add more water if required.

  8. When meat is done, dust lightly with flour, stir, bring to boil and adjust the seasoning. Serve with whipped potatoes, or Spaetzle.

  9. Serve with crusty bread.

Whipped Potatoes:

  1. Peel potatoes.

  2. Cut in quarters.

  3. Add cold water potatoes, bring to boil and simmer on medium heat until potatoes are done, to test prick with fork.

  4. Heat some milk and add to drained potatoes. Add butter, salt and pepper.

  5. Mash with hand masher, then whip with electric beater. Add milk as necessary.